2023年5月7日 星期日

Be Internet Awesome - Be Internet Alert, Don't Fall for Fake 保持網絡警惕,不要上當受騙


Be Internet Awesome - Be Internet Alert, Don't Fall for Fake 

Many details that raise "red flags" for adults can go overlooked by kids. Help them learn what they are, what to look for, and how to "trust their gut" when they encounter suspicious or possibly harmful emails, websites, and apps.

許多對成年人發出“危險信號”的細節可能會被孩子們忽視。 幫助他們了解自己的身份、要查找的內容以及在遇到可疑或可能有害的電子郵件、網站和應用程序時如何“相信自己的直覺”。

Know The Signs of a Potential Scam 認識詐騙可能的跡象

 1 - Pop ups, catfishing and other scams 彈出式廣告、網路假冒及其他詐騙行為 

Vocabulary List 詞彙表

Catfishing: Creating a fake identity or account online to trick people into friending them or sharing their personal information.

Malicious: Words or actions intended to be cruel or hurtful. This word can also refer to harmful software intended to do damage to a person’s device, account, or personal information.

Phishing: An attempt to scam you or trick you into sharing your login or other personal information online. Phishing is done through email, social media, texts, ads or web pages that look similar to ones you’re already used to but are fake.

Scam: A dishonest attempt to make money by tricking people into sharing their login, personal info, contacts, etc. or tricking people out of their money or digital property.

SMiShing: A scam that uses text messages to trick you into doing something, like share a login or other personal info, click on a link to a bad site or download bad software.

Spearphishing: A phishing scam where an attacker targets you more specifically by using pieces of your own personal information.

Trustworthy: Able to be relied on to do what is right or what is needed.

Credible: Believable; someone who is credible uses evidence, and you can be confident they are telling the truth.

Expertise: Special skill or knowledge about a particular thing; experts have expertise.

Motive: The reason that someone does something; intention.

Source: Someone or something that provides information.

Vlogger: A person who is known for regularly posting short videos on a blog or social media.

Deceptive: False; an action or message designed to fool, trick or lie to someone.

Deceptive News: News that intentionally lies or distorts the truth.
Deceptive News(欺騙性新聞):有意虛假或扭曲真相的新聞。

Disinformation: False information intended to trick or mislead you.

Evidence: Facts or examples that prove something is true or false.

Misinformation: False information.

Skeptical: Willing to question claims of truth.

Clickbait: Content that attracts attention and could push you to click on a link to a certain site by using interesting formatting or catchy phrases.

Keyword: A word directly related to the topic of your Internet search—one of the words you really need to do your search because no other word describes your topic better.

Query: A keyword, set of keywords or a question you type into a search window (or box) to find information online. Sometimes a search takes more than one query to find what you’re looking for.

Search Engine: A software program or “tool” people use to find information —including locations, photos and videos—on the Web.
Search Engine(搜索引擎):人們用來在網絡上查找信息(包括位置、照片和視頻)的軟件程序或“工具”。

Search Results: A collection of information you get in a search engine after you type your query and hit the “Search” or “Send” button.
Search Results(搜索結果):在輸入查詢並點擊“搜索”或“發送”按鈕後,在搜索引擎中獲得的信息集合。


