2023年5月7日 星期日

Be Internet Awesome - Be Internet Srorng, Secure Your Secrets 強化網路安全,保護你的秘密

Help your students understand that privacy is more than just what they choose to share or not share online. This lesson helps students understand what information should be private and safeguarded – and what they need to do to keep it that way.


Create a Strong Password 建立高強度密碼

Vocabulary List 詞彙表

Privacy: Protecting people’s data and personal information (also called sensitive information)

Security: Protecting people’s devices and the software on them

Digital footprint: Your digital footprint is all the information about you that appears online. This can mean anything from photos, audio, videos and texts to “likes” and comments you post on friendsʼ profiles. Just as your footsteps leave prints on the ground while you walk, what you post online leaves a trail too.

Reputation: The ideas, opinions, impressions, or beliefs that other people have about you—something that you can’t be totally sure about but that you usually want to be positive or good

Hacker: A person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to other people’s or organizations’ devices and data

Password or Passcode: A secret combination used to access something. It can take different forms; for example, you may have a numbers-only code that you use for your phone lock and much more complex passwords for your email and other accounts. In general, it’s important to make your passwords as long and complex as you can while still being able to remember them.

Settings: This is the area in any digital product, app, website, etc., where you can manage, or “set,” what you share and how your account is handled—including your privacy settings.

Two-step verification (also called two-factor verification and two-step authentication): A security process where logging in to a service requires two separate steps or two “factors,” such as a password and a one-time code. For example, you may have to enter your password and then enter a code that was texted to your phone or a code from an app.


