2019年10月26日 星期六

Getting Started with Google for Education - Week1 : Google Drive

不知大家是否上網報名為期 8週 的 Getting Started with Google for Education 基礎課程,
本週介紹的是 Google 雲端硬碟 Week 1: Google Drive
系統每週寄送課程到你登記的 Email 中,
 Getting Started with Google for Education

這個星期大家將會學到:This week you'll learn all about Google Drive, specifically:

一、什麼是 Google 雲端硬碟 What Google Drive is

二、如何登入 Google 雲端硬碟 How to access Google Drive
(1) Sign in to your Google Account
(2) Go to drive.google.com

三、如何 儲存、建立和下載 檔案 How to save, create, and download files
(1)點選「+」的按鈕來建立檔案 Click the +New button
(2) 選擇你想要的文件類型來建立 Choose the document type you want to create

(3) 下載檔案:選取在檔案後,在檔案上方按右邊鍵,點選「下載」,
你可以把檔案下載成任何格式,例如 pdf . word . xls ...
Right-click on your document、Click "Download"

四、如何搜尋和整理檔案 How to search and organize files
Click the search bar、Type in a keyword, title, name, etc.
Click the arrow on the right of the search bar
Choose your search parameters

(3)整理檔案:點選右上角的  和  圖示可以用來切換檔案預覽類型
Click to see documents in Grid View
Click to see documents in List View

(4)移動檔案:只要點選你要的檔案利用滑鼠 拖拉、放 就可以移動到你想要的資料夾中
Select the document(s) you want to move
Drag and drop the document(s) into a folder

五、如何分享檔案 How to share files
就可以點選「分享」來輸入 Email 並選擇分享的權限後,
Right-click on a document or folder
Add email address(es)
Choose a permission level
Click Send


1、使用雲端硬碟的方法有哪些呢?(複選) Select all of the ways you can use Google Drive.
  • 雲端硬碟可以儲存任何檔案類型,包含相片、影片、簡報、 PDFs和Microsoft Office的文件。I can store any file type in Google Drive including photos, videos, presentations, PDFs, and even Microsoft Office files.
  • 我在任何的地方利用不同的載具登入雲端硬碟來使用我的檔案。I can access my files from anywhere on any device using Google Drive.
  • 我可以很容易的利用雲端硬碟的搜尋列來找到檔案。I can easily locate a file in Google Drive using the search function.

1: Select all of the ways you can use Google Drive.

2、簡單的利用哪些方法(拖拉、點選、刪除、放、複製) 就可以將檔案移動到你想要的資料夾中。To move a file into a folder, simply and your file into that folder

To move a file into a folder, simply  and  your file into that folder

3: 利用下方文字來完成句子。Use the word bank to complete the following sentence:
轉換transfer, 儲存store, 分享share, 整理organize, 刪除 delete
Google硬碟是一個 「」「」和「」你檔案在雲端的地方。
Google Drive is a place to 「」,「」  ,and「」 your files in the cloud.

3: Use the word bank to complete the following sentence:

transfer, store, share, organize, delete

#Getting Started with Google for Education
#Week1:Google Drive


