(文本資料至2020年 + 松禧老師教學日誌 Bolgger) 這段錄音訪談深入探討一位名為賴老師 (Lai Sung-Hsi) 台灣彰化縣的教師的教學理念與作為。訪談者透過賴老師的官方資料、個人部落格等多元管道,呈現了他26年教學經驗累積的深厚專業,以及他作為Google教育認證創新者的科技應用能力。重點不在於他精通Google工具,而在於他如何將科技融入教學,提升學生的學習體驗,並積極分享經驗,建立教師社群。賴老師的教學特色包含混合式學習、因材施教、資訊站計畫等,展現了他對學生、教學的熱誠與奉獻,以及他持續學習、精益求精的態度。訪談最後歸納出賴老師的成功關鍵:熱情、持續學習、社群貢獻及提升學習的可及性,鼓勵聽眾效法他的精神,在自身領域發光發熱。
(Based on text data up to 2020 + Sunghsi Teacher's Teaching Blog Bolgger) This audio interview delves into the teaching philosophy and practices of Mr. Lai (Lai Sung-Hsi), a teacher in Changhua County, Taiwan. Through various channels such as Mr. Lai's official information and personal blog, the interviewer presents his profound expertise accumulated over 26 years of teaching experience and his technological application ability as a Google Certified Educator and Innovator. The emphasis is not on his mastery of Google tools, but on how he integrates technology into teaching to enhance students' learning experiences, actively shares his experiences, and builds a teacher community. Mr. Lai's teaching characteristics include blended learning, differentiated instruction, and the information station project, demonstrating his passion and dedication to students and teaching, as well as his attitude of continuous learning and improvement. The interview concludes by summarizing the key to Mr. Lai's success: passion, continuous learning, community contribution, and increasing the accessibility of learning, encouraging listeners to emulate his spirit and shine in their own fields.