2023年5月7日 星期日

Be Internet Awesome - Be Internet Kind, It’s Cool to Be Kind 在網路世界裡保持友善,友善很酷

 Be Internet Awesome - Be Internet Kind, It’s Cool to Be Kind 在網路世界裡保持友善,友善很酷
The "golden rule" is just as important online as it is "IRL". The internet can be a truly great place to learn when comments, conversations, and content are positive. Help students see how to make choices that disempower bullying behaviour and create healthy, productive spaces to interact.

IRL: stands for "in real life" 現實生活


Set Positive Examples Online 在網路上樹立正面的榜樣

Vocabulary List

Empathy: Trying to feel or understand what someone else is feeling. “Trying” is an important word in the definition, because actually understanding other people’s feelings is really hard. We just get better and better—more skilled—at it by trying.

Conflict: An argument or disagreement that isn’t necessarily repeated.

Bullying : Purposefully mean behavior that is usually repeated. The person being targeted often has a hard time defending him or herself.

Cyberbullying: Bullying that happens online or through using digital devices.

Harassment: A more general term than bullying that can take many forms—pestering, annoying, intimidating, humiliating, etc.—and can happen online too.

Caption: Text that goes with a picture and provides information about what’s in the photo.

Context: Additional information around the photo or other information that helps us understand better what we’re seeing. Context can include information like the place where the photo was taken, the time a text was sent, the situation the sender was in, etc.

Block: A way to end all interaction with another person online, preventing them from accessing your profile, sending you messages, seeing your posts, etc. without notifying them (not always ideal in bullying situations where the target wants to know what the aggressor is saying or when the bullying has stopped).

Mute: Less final than blocking, muting is a way to stop seeing another person’s posts, comments, etc. in your social media feed when that communication gets annoying—without notifying that person or being muted from their feed (not usually very helpful in bullying situations); unlike with blocking, you can still go to their profile to see their posts, and in some apps they can interact with you in private messages.


